Mobile Massage Therapy is the Answer

LIFE GETS BUSY, and sooner or later it takes over! And not in a good way. Between your attempt to make ends meet, running a household, keeping your family together and not forgetting to have some fun occasionally – it is all too easy to forget about yourself, your wellness, your body and your overall well being. It’s time to put yourself first for once. Remember the ME FIRST plan?

Why Choose Massage Therapy as your First Line of Defense?

Massage Therapy is not only for those fortunate ones with a life of luxury, or for those ladies of leisure who belong to those high-class luncheon clubs. In fact Massage Therapy is more important than you having a GP and should therefore be mandatory for every active person from the age of 12 through to 112!

Why you ask? Well when you go to the doctor’s office, you have already pre-diagnosed yourself at home having used the Internet, home remedy books or a piece of friend’s advice. Your only reason for going to your actual GP is to get a prescription for western medicine or pharmaceutical drugs that cannot otherwise be got over the counter. For the most part, your GP is a glorified administration person who can push the paper through, write the prescription or refer you to a round of specialists that in the end leaves you running around “in pain” on a wild goose chase to find answers about your health that don’t always make sense to you and don’t feel right leaving you feeling worse.

Why not just listen to your body instead?

It knows better than any other person out there – try to be still and determine how you feel by listening to your heart, your mind and your inner soul (gut instinct or intuition). The answers are within you, and so is the capability for it to heal itself. Stop putting in more poisonous substances and synthetic compounds into your body than you already get from the food you eat, the air you breathe and the negative stress factors you are faced with in day-to-day life.

The next time you feel something is not quite right with your back, that aching thigh or sore shoulder – contact if you are not mobile at Anton RMT.  Alternatively you can book an appointment at the Body Smart Health | Corrective Massage Therapy Clinic.

Massage Therapy is the most effective way to give your body a “once over” simply by having a 1 hour muscle relaxation massage. Stress relief is critical to your body functioning at its best. And what better way than to have somebody physically touch every muscular part of your body as a surface examination. You may discover pain points that you didn’t even know existed, and these could be the early tell tell signs of something bigger. So let Massage Therapy be your first line of defense rather than racing off to the doctor’s office, only to line up for hours for a 5 minute session with your GP. Your mind, body and soul will thank you after!

7 Benefits for Mobile Massage Therapy

1. The Massage Therapist comes to you wherever you are within the Greater Vancouver Area. Save you the hassle of having to find the clinic, fighting traffic and the actual physical and mental stress of driving (especially if you are in pain due to a particular condition – sciatica, arthritis, migraine, etc)

2. Feel Relaxed and Comfortable in your Chosen Surroundings. Your workplace, your home or your outdoor location by the lake, beach or forest. You can choose the setting when it comes to temperature, ambiance, atmosphere, air, music and even scent.

3. The Mobile Clinic takes care of the massage table, linen, lotion and any other supporting items such as heating pad, pillows, ice packs and extra towels.

4. No Aggravation to Your Body Policy. With the mobile clinic coming to you, you can rest assured that the treatment you receive is highly effective, and the relaxing result can give you relief until your next progressive treatment. Once your treatment is complete, simply roll into bed and continue reaping the therapeutic benefits of the massage.

5. No Rushing You Out Policy. No need to worry about being on time to the spa or clinic, missing your appointment or feeling rushed out the door at the clinic. Simply relax and let the Massage Therapist take care of all the logistics and treatment timing so you can literally “switch off”.

6. More Hands-On Time. A 1 hour or 1.5 hours massage means exactly that. 60 or 90 minutes of actual hands-on treatment time. The assessment and verbal interview times are limited to 15 minutes on either side of the actual treatment time and do not cut in to your treatment time.

7. Effective Progressive and Therapeutic Treatment. With the flexibility of mobile or on site treatment, Anton RMT believes that a custom but progressive therapeutic treatment plan  is tailored to your body’s needs. Therefore the techniques used may differ and evolve from one appointment to another as your body begins to heal itself from a specific condition or ailment. Therefore this dynamic and progressive approach ensures a faster recovery and rejuvenating experience as it changes with your body’s progress. Now that’s completely personal and professional!

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