Travel Bug or Natural Born Explorers

Do you have the travel bug, can’t stay too long in one place? Need a change of scenery?

Got itchy feet where the temptation to travel just takes over your day-to-day life to the point where traveling makes your life worth living, as you look forward to something different when you are living and doing these mundane tasks?

Traveling actually opens your eyes, broaden your horizons and allows you to appreciate your life…

Not to mention the fact that traveling really opens your eyes, as you can observe how other people live – making you appreciate what you have and that a fulfilled life doesn’t necessary require 4000 square foot house and two cars to be happy. It actually comes from something much simpler and purer – the heart!

Traveling is good for the soul as it makes you realize that Home is where the Heart is!

Home is where the heart is! Hence the idea of family feels like home because you are surrounded by love, like the feeling you get when you are with that significant other who truly completes you and makes you feel like home! Therefore traveling with this special somebody can make the experience so rewarding, inspiring and life changing as you literally share explorations, adventures and discovers.

Vacation vs. Traveling

What is the difference between a “vacation” where you escape the stresses of your day-to-day life – where by you relax on a beach for 7 days of the week, on an all inclusive holiday where you eat, drink, swim and stay within the grounds of the 5 star resort? Or actually traveling as a means to explore and not just escape and relax but actually visit the local towns, markets, ancient historical sites, cities , observe the way of life of the people at the destination town, city or country and actually sample the local food, culture, arts and the way they work, eat, commute, sleep and spend quality time with their family and friends.

Look no further. Find out How to Travel on a Budget so that allow you can get your monthly travel fix, or that quarterly expedition / adventure or that one long haul trip to the other side of the world.

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